Welcome to Franciscan Media!
May our resources feed your spirit.
Saint Nicholas Owen
Saint Nicholas Owen was a creative builder who helped the persecuted Catholic priests of England find hiding places.
Life Is Amazing
All life is utterly dependent upon our planet for everything it needs. God provides everything through creation.
Education and Intellectual Engagement
St. Francis valued knowledge as a tool for understanding God’s creation. Embracing simplicity allows us to pursue knowledge
Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrow
Disappointments, setbacks, loss, and suffering seem to define the life of Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows.
Embracing God’s Plan
God’s will is written on our hearts and is meant to lead us to a profound peace and…
Lonely, but Never Alone
Reflect The holidays are a time of joy for many. For those who are alone, however, it is…
Who was St. Anthony of Padua?
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Giving Glory Back to God
Prayer can help us come into greater union with God who is the origin of our joy and peace.
St. Francis and Love
The Franciscan way encourages us to be present to love—right here, right now.
Who Was Carlo Acutis?
He found the riches of total faith and love in God. Get to know him better here.
Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrow
Disappointments, setbacks, loss, and suffering seem to define the life of Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows.
Embracing God’s Plan
God’s will is written on our hearts and is meant to lead us to a profound peace and…
Lonely, but Never Alone
Reflect The holidays are a time of joy for many. For those who are alone, however, it is…
Spend Lent with Padre Pio!
Finding Sacred Spaces
We are all called to prayer, to talk to our God about what is happening in our lives.
Dead Man Walking at 30
“Grace comes and wakes us up,” says Sister Helen Prejean, who has dedicated her life to fighting capital punishment in the United States. “It’s what you do with it when it comes that counts.”
Meet the Mystics
A mystic is someone who has received the special grace of infused contemplation of God.