April 19, 2019

A Meditation on the Crucifixion of Christ

“In the Upper Room, on the night before Jesus died out of love for us, He prayed what has come to be known as the “priestly prayer.” (CCC 2747) This took place at the Last Supper. Recorded in John 17, ...
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Lent with Richard Rohr: The Scapegoat and Scapegoating

Good Friday | Readings: Isaiah 52:13-53:12; John18:1-19:42 REFLECTION Your browser does not support the audio element. Download the audio here
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Climate activists | Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Fighting Climate Change

Pope Francis, who references his namesake 15 times in “Laudato Si’,” knows that the world’s poorest have the most to lose when environmental efforts slow down or stop altogether.
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God Loves Us to the End

In you, Holy Cross, we see God who loves even to the end, and we see the hatred of those who want to dominate, that hatred which blinds the minds and hearts of those who prefer darkness to light. O ...
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