May 15, 2020

Dick Vitale: Faith, Family and Foul Shots

In the world of sports, Dick Vitale and college basketball are synonymous. That's understandable given that he's devoted over 50 years of his life to the game in one capacity or another.
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Sisters, such as this Daughter of Charity—one of 300—ministered to soldiers on both sides.

Angels on the Battlefield

150 years after Gettysburg, we remember 16 Catholic sisters who ministered to Civil War soldiers.
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Don’t Let Illness Get You Down

Good health is undeniably one of our greatest blessings from God. Be it minor aches and pains, an annoying chronic condition, or a debilitating illness, health issues are welcomed by no one.
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Person with a backpack looking at an ocean with a grey scale

Give Yourself a Break

Most people pay close attention to the first commandment about loving God with all our mind, heart, and soul. Not so many give equal notice to the second: "Love your neighbor as yourself " (Mt 22:34-40). It's the "as yourself ...
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People reaching across the Mexican border

Faith without Borders

According to a survey of those recently deported to Nogales, Mexico, the average person deported has lived in the United States for more than 14 years and has two to three children still living in the states (70 percent of ...
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