December 4, 2020

Icon of Sain Join Damascene

Saint John Damascene

Saint John Damascene was born in Damascus, but spent most of his life in a monastery near Jerusalem. Little is known about his life, but John is remembered as the last of the Eastern Church Fathers. He gained fame as ...
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In pandemic, Catholic college students still build community

WASHINGTON (CNS) -- In a school year turned upside down by the pandemic, groups of students at the Marianist-run University of Dayton in Ohio have been striving to keep some things constant: supporting each other in their faith and reaching ...
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People holding hands during sunset while riding bikes

Lavish Generosity

God never ceases to be generous with us, even when we do not pay attention or miss things.
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Scene from A Charlie Brown Christmas

The Spiritual Insight of Charlie Brown

Charlie Brown’s emotional honesty, intellectual curiosity, and overall bravery—amidst unmet expectations, failure, shame, and humiliation—reflects the spiritual path for each of us.
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Sow Seeds of Peace

Like Saint Francis, we too must clear an interior space and empty ourselves for peace to blossom within our lives and the lives of others.
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