May 12, 2021

Sunday Soundbite for the Ascension of the Lord

Today we look for signs of Christ’s presence in communities where the gospel is preached. The lives of believers should exhibit the power of Christ at work.
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Coroner rules 1971 massacre victims in Belfast were ‘entirely innocent’

A coroner in Northern Ireland ruled that a priest and nine lay Catholics who were shot dead by British troops almost 50 years ago were "entirely innocent" and their deaths were unjustified.
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Faith and Family for May 16: Ascension of the Lord

This week, as we celebrate Ascension Sunday, we hear the Gospel account of Jesus' return to his Father in heaven.
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Hello, Joy!

Jesus said, “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” (John 15:11)
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Statue of Saint Anthony holding Jesus

Why St. Anthony Holds the Child Jesus

This friar offerings a refreshing take on this beloved saint.
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