August 15, 2024

new day dawning, man watching the sunrise being bathed in sunlight

Praise, Thanksgiving, Sorrow, and Suffering

Always it is the same: You suddenly realize that God has been there all along—that yes, God is present in your life.
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Statue of Mary praying

Our Universal Mother

There is no facet of the human experience that Mary, our universal mother, cannot understand. In times of unrest—in the world or in our hearts—Our Lady is ready to help us. We need only turn to her.
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Worshippers pray during a Mass at the Basilica San Jose de Flores in Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 6, 2023, where Pope Francis used to attend Mass during his childhood. (OSV News photo/Agustin Marcarian, Reuters)

How to celebrate holy days of obligation

(OSV News) — It’s part of human nature to set aside certain days to mark events or to honor people. On a personal level we celebrate birthdays and anniversaries. On a secular level we celebrate the founding of our country, ...
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