August 23, 2024

Ten Commandment tablets

Editorial: The Ten Commandments in the Classroom 

When you think about the purpose of the public schools in our country, what comes to mind?   Beyond the obvious goal of providing an education on a variety of subjects to prepare the new generation for the next steps in ...
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Artificial intelligence

Faith and Family: Where Technology and Humanity Meet 

As a proud member of Gen X, I can remember life both before and after the boom of the Internet. I can still hear the screeching of our dial-up Internet and the seemingly endless supply of free AOL (America Online) ...
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The Canticle of the Creatures

The return to the Portiuncula was by way of Borgo San Sepolcro, Monte Casale, and Citta di Castello.
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Worshippers recitE the Lord's Prayer during a Mass celebrated in honor of the 100th anniversary of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in San Diego Dec. 9, 2023.

US bishops’ diocesan survey sets new baseline for Hispanic ministry in parishes nationwide

The U.S. bishops' Subcommittee on Hispanic Affairs conducted a survey of dioceses and archdioceses in the country's 14 episcopal regions and released its results Aug. 21.
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hand forming the symbol for heart

If Today You Hear His Voice

Fear can harden our hearts—especially fear of people who we perceive as so very different from us.
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hearts on a string, symbolizing love

God’s Love Is for All

The commitment to “God and all things” comes first, while our own egos, self-interest, and institutional structures are secondary.
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