August 29, 2024

hand holding mug with imprint World's Best Boss

Leadership with a Heart

Compassion is more than just feeling sympathy or pity for others; it's about actively seeking to alleviate suffering and promote the well-being of all those we encounter.
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Bouquet of assorted flowers

Boldest Flower in Assisi

Clare often called herself the “little plant of St. Francis.” And while St. Francis may have helped start her growth, she certainly did most of the growing and spreading on her own.
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A group of protestors stand outside the Shrine of Our Lady of Valverde in the southern Italian city of Enna Aug. 22, 2024, to protest the local clergy’s role in covering up clerical sexual abuse. Among those present was Antonio Messina, center-right, who was 16 when Father Giuseppe Rugolo, a priest of the Diocese of Piazza Armerina, abused him. Father Rugolo was convicted March 5 on charges of aggravated sexual assault against Messina and another unnamed victim and sentenced to more than four years in prison. (OSV News photo/courtesy Antonio Messina)

Catholics in Southern Italian diocese protest abuse cover up

Catholics in the Southern Italian city of Enna, Sicily, protested the local church's role in covering up sexual abuse after a court recently ruled that the diocesan bishop sought to protect a priest accused of having abused several minors as a ...
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