September 13, 2024

woman holding a leaf in front of a forest

Cathedral of Trees

While God invites us to his house every Sunday, he can be found just as easily in a dense wood.
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A statue of St. Francis of Assisi on a horse as a young soldier

St. Francis Encounters the Crucified Christ

The Franciscan path to God is an inversion of monastic values. Rather than fleeing the world to find God, God is to be found in the world. The idea that “the world is our cloister” finds its root in Francis ...
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People watching the sunset | Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Replacing Moral Outrage with Curiosity and Wonder

It would be wise in our age to return to the wisdom that arose from Vatican II around the notion of inculturation—the idea that diversity within differing cultures contributes to a “deeper humanity” and a “better plan for the universe.”
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