September 20, 2024

aerial view photo of Sisters of St. Joseph 220-acre motherhouse property in Brentwood, N.Y.

‘Green nuns’ model how to put into action Pope Francis’ call to care for creation

Throughout America -- and indeed, the world -- thousands of religious sisters are daily witnessing to the environmental care commitment urged by Pope Francis' 2015 encyclical, "Laudato Si'," and its 2023 sequel, "Laudate Deum."
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sunlight is reflecting on a woman while she is praying

God’s Love For You Is Boundless

The answer God promises to give to you or me will be unique to each of us.
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woman holding a lantern at sunset

Be a Guiding Light

No matter the time or place, there are always challenges for young people growing up. We need to be a guiding light and safe place for them during their time of growth and discovery.
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