September 23, 2024

Father Victor (Vic) Taglianetti, OFM Cap

Father Victor (Vic) Taglianetti, OFM Cap

As someone in the position of guiding others toward their respective vocations, Father Victor (Vic) Taglianetti, OFM Cap, draws on his own time of desert.
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hands folded in prayer

Praying at the Tomb of Padre Pio

Everyone who goes down to the crypt and kneels in front of the tomb feels that something under that massive granite is still moving.
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open hand with flying balloons

Let the Grievance Go

Forgiveness isn’t just about letting our grievances go. Forgiveness is the path to restoring the love that binds us to God and to one another.
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An asylum-seeking migrant family from Haiti cross the Rio Bravo to turn themselves in to U.S Border Patrol agents to request asylum in El Paso, Texas, as seen from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, April 22, 2022. (OSV News photo/Jose Luis Gonzalez, Reuters)

Ohio bishops demand respect for migrants’ ‘infinite dignity’ amid false claims, threats

Ohio's bishops are urging Catholics and all people of good will to "turn to God and ask for eyes to see the infinite dignity of every person" amid false claims surrounding Haitian immigrants in that state's town of Springfield, which have prompted ...
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