Pause + Pray

The Hands of Our Mother

Child and adult hands


Even the smallest of misunderstandings can grow into a web of confusion and hurt feelings. Has some issue in your life felt like a knot that only grows tighter? Think of a time you tried to untie a “knot” in your life. Did you get frustrated? Remember how that frustration felt.


Mary, of all your lovely names—Cause of Our Joy, Mystical Rose,
the Undoer of Knots calls to the tangled-up world right now.
In these truly painful times, it brings comfort to trust
the grace of your hands.

You unravel the knots of cynicism, despair, and hopelessness
with the same soft, holy hands that held your baby when he was radiant,
surrounded by angels above his manger.

Yes, those same perfect hands will untwist the tightest of our knots.


Today, ask the patient and gentle Mary, Undoer of Knots to place her hands on the sorrows and challenges that you bring to her.

What Was Lost by Maureen O'Brien


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