Faith and Family

Day Twenty Six: A Catholic Family Advent


Mary remained with [Elizabeth] for about three months and then returned to her home.

— Luke 1:56


When my two sisters and I get together, we are always rehashing stories from our childhood—some good and some not so good. I always imagine Mary and Elizabeth doing the same thing, laughing, sharing pregnancy stories, confiding their hopes and fears, leaning on each other for support. The family connection is a strong one. And it is a blessing. As my oldest daughter, Maddie, said to her brother, Alex, once: “You have to love me, I’m your sister. You have no choice.”

Talk Together

Recall a favorite family memory and talk about why it is so special to you.


Lord, thank you for the love and support of our family. Be with those who are separated from the warmth and love of their families.


Have a family photo shoot. Head to your closets or dress-up bin and put together a variety of outfits. Display the outfits in a fashion show, complete with someone taking photos. Judge the outfits based on made-up categories, such as “most elegant” or “silliest.”

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