Wednesday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time
January 20, 2021
Daily Reading from the USCCB: Hebrews 7:1-3, 15-17
The author has now cited Psalm 110 three times. In that psalm God is portrayed as saying to the Messiah, “You are a priest forever like Melchizedek.”
The psalmist, speaking for God, was speaking prophetically of Jesus. Melchizedek’s name signifies “king of peace.” He was without human ancestry–without beginning or ending of human life–and so would be a priest forever. Abraham reverenced Melchizedek by sharing with him the spoils he had taken in battle. Thus Melchizedek was superior to Abraham and superior to Abraham’s progeny.
Like Melchizedek, Jesus is king of peace–without conventional human ancestry, superior to Abraham and his children, called by God to a priesthood that lasts forever. This was the priest of the first Christians. This is our priest.