Sharing the Word for June 12, 2020

Friday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time

June 12, 2020
Reading from the USCCB: Matthew 5:27-32

Matthew’s Gospel presents an important teaching of Jesus. It is in answer to a question about adultery. The bond of marriage is one of the most sacred bonds and contract any two people can make. In our society, there seems to be more and more civil contracts made that are not worth the paper they’re written on.

Marriage however, is different because the contract is God’s plan for marriage. There are children who are born. There is nothing that can give more security for children than to see their parents loving not only them but each other. Successful, loving marriages just don’t happen by chance. They demand hard work. A good preparation is needed for making that most serious contract. It also requires the partners to respect and accept the human qualities–including foibles–that each may have. And over time that can be a real challenge.

But the truth is that in the years and decades that follow, marriage requires its share of blood, sweat, and tears, provided it is mixed with tender love, respect and affection.

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