Thursday of the Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time
June 17, 2021
Daily Reading from the USCCB: 2 Corinthians 11:1-11
There were tensions in the young church of Corinth. Paul now addresses some of them. First, there were preachers–“superapostles”–offering a Christ different from the Savior that Paul preached–the authentic Christ. Paul is “jealous” of the real Christ. He wants to hold on to him. He wants the Corinthians to remain committed to him.
Another source of contention was that Paul refused to accept remuneration for his preaching. Some of the Corinthians thought that this was an indication that Paul was inferior to other preachers who did expect payment. Paul says that he preaches for free out of affection for the Corinthians, not because he is inferior.
Tensions between congregations and their leaders are not unknown even today. That doesn’t make them acceptable.