Sharing the Word for December 25, 2021

Nativity of the Lord

December 25, 2021
Daily Reading from the USCCB: Luke 2:1-14

There are lots of strange, unusual, uncomfortable, even eerie things going on in the nativity reading from Luke.

Mary and Joseph are caught up in the technicalities of a pagan census, and censuses were generally not pleasing to God. They found themselves lodged in a dirty cave. The newborn child rests in a feed trough. In addition there were shepherds–ritually unclean people that good Jews didn’t like to have much to do with. But these shepherds were being sung to and spoken to by angels–whole multitudes of angels who sent them to see the child. It’s all very strange.

Yet there really isn’t that much unusual going on. God is merely keeping his promises as he always does.

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