Pause + Pray

No Loss of Light

Amber colored lit candles


“A candle loses none of its own light when it lights another candle. It’s a great description of what happens to us when we extend ourselves to one another. Yes, we are at times fearful that we will lose something of ourselves when we give ourselves—our time, our attention, our talent, or our treasure to someone else. But we lose nothing. We are, in fact, more our true selves. We are growing in our own souls. . . . That deep inner peace and joy within us is the light we never lose when we love and extend ourselves to another person.” —from Three Minutes with God, by Msgr. Frank Bognanno


God of all light, your love is luminous and contagious.
Extinguish the fear in my heart that the universe is a dark and solitary place.
Teach me to relight the flame of faith in my heart
and remember to share the joy of that faith with those around me,
especially those in need.


There is almost no better way to get out of our own heads than to volunteer and help those in need. Commit to volunteering at one social service or ministry for just one day this coming month. Watch as the joy spreads like wildfire when dignity and humanity are restored for our brothers and sisters on the margins.

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