The Bible opened to Isaiah

Sharing the Word for February 9, 2023

Thursday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time

February 9, 2023
Daily Reading from the USCCB: Genesis 2:18-25

The second creation narrative continues. So far the only human has been “the man” whom God put in charge of things. Now God sees that “the man” needs companionship, but nothing in creation was suitable as man’s partner. So God creates woman–taken from man’s own body, one with him in origin and life.

It’s important for us to be aware how countercultural this teaching about woman is. In the world in which the first readers of Genesis lived, women were regarded as anything but equal to man. They were generally seen as unimportant except as property.

God’s truth is different. The creation narrative teaches that woman is of the same nature as man–of equal worth. Without her man is not fully himself.

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