Pause + Pray

My Inadvertent Offenses …

Man being arrogant


“Punish me not … for my inadvertent offenses.”
—Tb (3:3b)

What a great plea from the Old Testament figure, Tobit! How often do we think we’re on a good path, only to realize later that we were actually perhaps a bit arrogant or offensive? Surely you’ve noticed other people who just don’t realize how abrasive or hurtful they can be. We all have these blind spots, and Tobit offers a perfect prayer for these behaviors.


Like Tobit, I ask you to forgive my inadvertent offenses.
Please guide me and nudge me so I can avoid these inadvertent offenses.
And please forgive me when I unwittingly stumble!


Note a person in your life who is rather demanding or insensitive—while thinking they are being virtuous. Be aware that you probably do something comparable that is hidden to you. Try to be patient with these people, as you would like God to be patient with you.

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.