Pause + Pray

Timothy’s Help

man sitting by the water reflecting


“The brothers in Lystra and Iconium spoke highly of [Timothy], and Paul wanted [Timothy] to come along with him” (Acts 16:2–3). Despite the two letters written to St. Timothy, he doesn’t get a lot of personal face time in the Bible; his various snippets are scattered. However, his introduction in the Acts of the Apostles lets us know that he was deeply respected at home, which prompted Paul to invite him to help out with missionary work. We must dig a little into our imaginations and realize that St. Timothy likely did much for the early Church behind the scenes—a multitude of works that were unrecorded.


St. Timothy,
We like to be noticed and honored for all the good deeds we do.
Please pray that I might imitate you by doing the will of God at all times,
even if there is little recognition.
Pray that I serve God, without looking for glory.


Ponder your works for God. Are they truly for the glory of God? Or do you tend to hope for personal recognition?

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