Pause + Pray

The Gift of Water

woman holding a bottle of water


Recently, I visited a friend’s home in Michigan for a summer break, as I’ve done almost every summer for the past 25 years. This year was the same—early morning coffee and conversation, hikes in the nearby woods, trips to a favorite boutique. But it was decidedly different: The house’s well had malfunctioned, so several times a day we filled seven-gallon jugs with water from neighbors’ taps to dump into toilets and to wash our dishes. We all reflected, somewhat guiltily, that this inconvenience was a way of life for many people across the globe.


Creator God,
Thank you for the blessing of clean
and abundant water in my life.
Help me not take for granted the miracles of your creation,
including water, every drop of which is “holy water.”


What changes in your daily routine can you make to conserve water? Take shorter or less frequent showers? Dump leftover water from travel bottles into house plants? As you become more conscious of the preciousness of water, consider carrying bottled water in your car to share with homeless people soliciting donations.

Pause+Pray by Elizabeth Bookser Barkley

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