Pause + Pray

Celebrating a Culture Different than Your Own

mother and child immigrants


September 15 to October 15 is a time of national celebration to honor the history, culture and influence of past generations that came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. While you might not claim this heritage personally, there is something beautiful in celebrating and experiencing a culture that is different from your own. We remember how we can learn from and appreciate each other, even amid differences.


God of diversity,
You take such pleasure and delight
in the many different cultures, languages, and ethnicities of your children.
You see each one of us as equal and worthy.
Help us to honor and respect cultural differences
and make space for them in our communities, work places, and places of worship.


Celebrating a culture different from your own is much more than eating Mexican food this month. Is there a particular Hispanic artist, writer, or theologian that you could take time to learn about this month? Find time to learn and educate yourself more about the Hispanic heritage and culture.

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