Pause + Pray

The Most Misunderstood Woman in Christianity

woman praying while holding her Bible


The most well-known female disciple of Jesus has often had her name dragged through the mud over Christian history. Mary of Magdala. Mary is first identified as the woman from whom Jesus cast out seven demons and eventually supported his public ministry from her own resources. She followed Jesus all the way to Jerusalem, was one of the few people at the foot of the cross, and one of the first recorded witnesses to his resurrection. This brave, tenacious woman has much to teach you and me.


All-Knowing God,
You see beyond the exterior appearance and see deeply into the human heart.
You see and love me just as I am, and you did the same for Mary of Magdala.
Teach me to not judge other people differently than myself.
May my words only be used to build people up,
and not tear them down or speak ill of them.
In all the holy names of God, I make this prayer.


Spend some time in imaginary prayer over the character of Mary Magdalene. Read the Scripture accounts associated with her. What do you imagine about her life, personality, dreams, desires? What was she like before and after she encountered Jesus of Nazareth? And what might her life have to teach you?

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.