Minute Meditations

The Holiness of a Honeybee

honeybee resting on a flower

Jesus said that nobody can enter the kingdom of God unless they become like a little child (Mt 18:3). My daughter didn’t study theology or memorize St. Francis’ “Canticle of the Creatures.” It was the inherent value of this honeybee—its worthiness of being saved, wept over, and buried—that was innate within her. Might our children be the ones to show us the kingdom of God? For what awaits is to behold the world with that childlike wonder and awe and to recognize that every atom of our universe is a miracle spoken into existence by the loving word of God. To see the kingdom of God, we need to become like children: This will mean weeping, like a child does for the honeybee; it also means pursuing the rescue of the honeybee, even as an older voice might tell us it’s too hard or impossible. 

May we allow our spirituality to be the hand that guides us back to these fundamental truths that we have long since forgotten—truths that were etched into our hearts as children as we innocently marveled at the glory of God around us. Perhaps then, our spirituality may manifest in our lives as action, advocacy, and care for this beautiful planet we call home. 

—from St. Anthony Messenger‘s “Loving God, Loving Creation
by Carie Moore

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