Pause + Pray

With Beauty All Around Me, I Walk

tree with blooming white flowers


A Navajo (Dine) blessing prayer affirms, “With beauty all around me, I walk.” We can experience beauty wherever we are. As William Blake counsels, “If the doors of perception were cleansed, we would see everything as it is—infinite.” If our doors of perception were cleansed, we would also see the profound beauty of all things. God created the world for beauty. Beauty is all around us. Let us open our eyes to beauty throughout the day.


Beauty maker, love creator,
Open our eyes to beauty,
Open our eyes to wonder.
Awaken us to the presence of beauty in our lives
And in the world.
Let us be beauty seekers and beauty makers.


Throughout the day, let us open our eyes to beauty all around us. Pause throughout the day to experience beauty amid busyness. Let us give thanks for the beauty of the earth and commit to be agents of beauty keeping and making. Do something beautiful for God.

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.