Pause + Pray

Prayer for All Mothers

A mother holding her baby in her arms


Because motherhood requires women to offer so much of their own spirits, it can lead to feeling depleted. Reflect on how motherhood intertwines with these words from Psalm 63:2–3: “For you my body yearns; for you my soul thirsts, In a land parched . . . I look to you.”


Blessed Mother,
You know what it takes to tend to a child:
in the womb, as a newborn, infant, teen, and adult.
You know the shifting landscape of motherhood:
terrain of joys and heartaches.
No matter where they stand on their journeys,
renew all mothers now.
May any drought within them
be quenched with the flow of your love.


Today, think of the mothers you know (including yourself, if you are a mother) and as you say a Hail Mary, ask the Blessed Mother to let her tender love fall like rain upon them.

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.