Pause + Pray

Called to Holiness

Light reflecting on a woman's head during prayer


What does God ask of us when he calls us to holiness? “Be holy, for I, the Lord your God, am holy” (Lv 19:2). Holiness is often confused with sanctity and piousness—following all the rules and never making a mistake. God simply calls us to become more like him. But how? How do we become holy like that?


You gave us your son as our savior
and as a model of perfect holiness.
Give me the humility and courage to follow
his path, to find joy and peace in his yoke,
and to find true holiness not in the eyes and opinions
of others, but in the love of Jesus
and the mercy of your grace.


Take some time today to contemplate what holiness means to you and what holiness means to God. Does your life reflect the love of God? Do the people around you see God’s peace in your eyes and feel God’s presence in you? Was there a moment today when you turned away from God, or were blinded to God’s love or presence? What can you do tomorrow to let that presence shine more brightly, both for others and for yourself?

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.