Pause + Pray

Thin Places Everywhere

Young man standing on top of a mountain, above the clouds


Celtic spiritual guides identified certain geographical places as “thin places,” where heaven and earth meet and we can experience the nearness of God. Although there are unique spiritual spots, I believe that there are thin places everywhere. Every place can be the doorway to God’s presence.


We thank you, O God, for your presence in all things.
The heavens declare your glory and so do the cells of our bodies.
We thank that our world is permeated with love and spirit
And our lives are constantly inspired by you.
Inspired by you, let us be your companions in inspiring others
To live fully and abundantly.
We thank you that you are still speaking in our lives
and that every place can be sanctuary of love.


Throughout the day, let us look for God’s presence in ordinary encounters and the world around me. Let us look deeply to see the inner light and love of all things and bring it out from its hiding places. Let us see holiness in everyone and encourage those around us to see holiness in themselves.

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.