Franciscan Spirit Blog

Novena to Saint Clare | Day One: Outside Our Comfort Zone

At the young age of 18, Clare walked away from her life of nobility and all of its comforts and joined Saint Francis in living out his mission.


Loving God, Clare, the noble lady of Assisi,
left behind all that she knew to follow Christ as a poor lady.
Her choice is a reminder that sometimes faith requires us to step away
from the comfort of our lives so that we can minister to those in need.
Teach us to imitate Clare’s total commitment to you.


Is your faith strong enough that you would be willing to walk away from the comforts of your life in order to fully live out that faith? Take a moment to reflect on that question. For Saint Clare, the answer was easy. So easy, that at the young age of 18, she walked away from her life of nobility and all of its comforts, descended to the hills below Assisi, and joined Saint Francis in living out his mission.

It was not a hasty move, though. Before she made her way to the plains below Assisi, she would often take food from the family’s table and bring it to the needy on the streets of the city. These small acts of mercy provided a gateway to a lifetime of care for others. Even small acts of love convey Christ’s message for others. For Clare, Christ was her focus and Saint Francis was her guide to them.

Her path, however, was her own.

Consider this…

  • Saint Clare gave up a life of privilege for a life of poverty. Could you do something so drastic? How dependent are you on your daily comforts?
  • Life can be complicated and noisy. In what ways can you simplify your life to make room for God? How can you make space in your life for prayer?
  • Forging your own path takes patience, drive, and bravery. What small changes can you make to your faith practices today?

In Clare’s Own Words

“We are to become vessels of God’s compassionate love for others.” 

Light of Assisi: The Story of Saint Clare


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