Walking in the Light of God
When we feel afraid or need inspiration, we can remember to walk in the light of God, feeling God’s light and love surrounding us with every step. Visualize God’s light surrounding everyone you meet.
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When we feel afraid or need inspiration, we can remember to walk in the light of God, feeling God’s light and love surrounding us with every step. Visualize God’s light surrounding everyone you meet.
Where are you struggling with fear and self-doubt? Where do you need a greater sense of God’s presence? God is with you in every life challenge and quest for justice.
Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel believed that “radical amazement” was at the heart of spirituality. What amazes and inspires you today?
Walking becomes the place of possibility, intimacy, and service. God is our companion as we venture toward new horizons.
Accept God’s knowledge of your life in its entirety. Ask for God’s healing and loving presence. To be known and loved liberates us from illusion and self-deception and provides a pathway to change.
I was looking for a world-affirming way to become a mystic activist for our time.
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