Pursuing Peace
On the first Sunday of Advent, Isaiah speaks of a day in which they will “beat their swords into plowshares” and nations will “learn war no more.” That seems like an impossible dream.
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On the first Sunday of Advent, Isaiah speaks of a day in which they will “beat their swords into plowshares” and nations will “learn war no more.” That seems like an impossible dream.
“Plus Ultra,” the national motto of Spain, challenges the limitations we place on ourselves and God’s presence in our lives. There is more to the use of our gifts.
Every child is beloved by God, created in God’s image, and deserving of abundant life. Our vocation is to care for children far and near.
God is embedded in the pain and joy of the world.
God is present everywhere, luring us toward wholeness. All things are touched by God.
God invites us to share in his sacrificial love, transforming self-interest into selflessness.
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