Rock of Salvation
Any rocks I see today—in nature, in difficult people, in my path of progress—I will respect. Some I may move. Some may seem like obstacles.
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Any rocks I see today—in nature, in difficult people, in my path of progress—I will respect. Some I may move. Some may seem like obstacles.
Despite the reported fragility of our earth, we still see grass in the cracks of sidewalks and evergreens with their perennial promise.
People walked days to hear me preach and in such numbers that I often spoke outdoors.
Loving God of heaven and earth, I can conceal nothing from you. I beg you to disarm me of my harsh judgments, my sense of entitlement, my short fuse.
When I once preached on the wedding feast at Cana, I suggested that the six stone jars had a moral interpretation: six ways to purify the soul.
Forget your cell, your cave, your place of prayer and be where you are—and in no other place.
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Cincinnati, OH 45202
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