Rocks and Stones
Sometimes stones surface in the landscape—on the surface, or at the searching point of my spade. The rock I carry in my pocket today will remind me to be centered on the Rock of My Salvation.
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Sometimes stones surface in the landscape—on the surface, or at the searching point of my spade. The rock I carry in my pocket today will remind me to be centered on the Rock of My Salvation.
A stray reminder can lead us to relive a long-ago injury—one received, one given. It’s humbling to recall that we acted or reacted in anger, with ugliness, that we even may hold a grudging memory today.
Grass is growing between the sections of the sidewalk. It is not growing in the bare patches of the lawn. Why doesn’t the grass know its proper place? Today, I will welcome growing things—unexpected events, new people—even when they are uninvited.
“Love has asked a lot of me lately,” says this author who tells about her journey to care for a young boy.
Television has been a delightful source of entertainment to me. Yet it does not resemble my life.
I have been remiss. I have enjoyed second helpings. I have tossed away remains. I have not remembered those who are hungry as I am filled.
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