Disrupt Me, Lord
As Passover neared, Jesus went to the Temple, disrupting the money changers and their commerce. He tipped their tables and spilled the coins they had been paid. It must have gotten their attention, but how many changed their ways?
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As Passover neared, Jesus went to the Temple, disrupting the money changers and their commerce. He tipped their tables and spilled the coins they had been paid. It must have gotten their attention, but how many changed their ways?
When we think of giving alms for Lent, we generally think of giving money. But giving of ourselves can be another way to share.
Differences of opinion can bring out the worst in us. We want to prove our point of view, and we get frustrated when we feel unheard or misunderstood.
On a medical mission to Haiti, we climbed a long, steep trail to a mountain town for a three-day clinic.
Much like the rumbling thunder in the background on a hot summer afternoon, my temper sometimes rumbles under the surface instead of exploding
On my walk today, I saw a young woman training for a marathon. Her husband rode his bike beside her, gently encouraging her with his words as they went. He reminded me that Jesus always walks alongside us, encouraging, strengthening, and cheering us on our paths.
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