Living Water
The living water that is our faith is free and available for all. Sharing the living water might start with sharing actual sustenance. Lent is a great time to volunteer at a soup kitchen or food pantry.
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The living water that is our faith is free and available for all. Sharing the living water might start with sharing actual sustenance. Lent is a great time to volunteer at a soup kitchen or food pantry.
When we appeal to each other’s dignity, we start building something beautiful: solidarity.
What causes you heartache, keeps you up at night, or otherwise nags your mind and soul in your everyday life? These struggles make up the wooden beams of your cross.
It’s sometimes easy to go with the flow in society and simply live life in a way that doesn’t gain any unwanted attention. There’s a temptation toward anonymity that’s actually quite dangerous for us, spiritually.
Have you ever gotten lost? I mean completely and utterly disoriented and directionless
We are called to be disciples of Jesus here today. Let us offer this prayer of petition to become better followers of our Lord.
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Cincinnati, OH 45202
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