Let There Be Light: A Christmas Prayer
In turning on the light of the Christmas tree, we wish for the light of Christ to be in us.
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In turning on the light of the Christmas tree, we wish for the light of Christ to be in us.
Pope Francis reminds us that God’s attitude toward us is far more one of mercy than of judgment.
When God became flesh, became one of us, he took on that flesh through this young woman with a spirit open to surprise and wonder and possibility.
A Word from Pope Francis
Selfishness leads nowhere and love frees. Those who are able to live their lives as a gift to give others will never be alone and will never experience the drama of the isolated conscience. Jesus says something remarkable to us: “Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” Love always takes this path: to give one’s life.
We are all masters, we are all experts, when it comes to justifying ourselves.
There’s something very honest about ashes, a symbol acknowledging our dependence on God.
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