Sunday Soundbite for December 12, 2021
What would bring us joy today? An end to terrorists’ threats? Conversion in the corporate world from greed and personal gain? A new spirit of generosity and service in people’s everyday lives?
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What would bring us joy today? An end to terrorists’ threats? Conversion in the corporate world from greed and personal gain? A new spirit of generosity and service in people’s everyday lives?
In today’s Second Reading Saint Paul is confident that God, who has begun to work in the lives of the Philippians, will bring that work to completion.
The events that Jesus predicts before his second coming are terrifying. But he urges his disciples to be vigilant and pray. He wants us not to be surprised, but rather fully awake and aware.
With dramatic irony, today’s scene in John’s Gospel highlights a very different kind of kingship. Jesus stands before the world testifying to the truth about God, and invites us into his reign, which is not of this world.
Scripture scholars suggest that this chapter of Mark reflects in part the chaotic times in which Mark’s community lived—perhaps in the midst of Roman persecution. Christians must have wondered if the end was near.
It’s important for each of us in the community to share generously in order for our local Church—as well as the global Church—to do the work of the Kingdom.
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