Sunday Soundbite for June 27, 2021
Christ’s whole mission is meant to bring a radical transformation which overcomes sin, disease, even death.
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Christ’s whole mission is meant to bring a radical transformation which overcomes sin, disease, even death.
In today’s First Reading God asks Job to think about the power of the sea and its waves. That power, God says, is kept in check by God’s greater power!
When we are tempted to despair at the oppression or violence in our world we must remember that the Kingdom’s truth will prevail, and the love of God has overcome all in Jesus Christ.
Our Scriptures today emphasize the Jewish roots of our Eucharist. In the Gospel Jesus asked his disciples to prepare the Passover meal where he would give them his body and blood as food.
If we listen with our hearts to the mystery contained in the doctrine of the Trinity we end up with a very personal portrait of God.
It’s a characteristic of Catholicism to see God’s goodness in all of creation, in various human endeavors, and in the cultures and histories of human beings wherever the gospel is preached.
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