Sunday Soundbite for April 11, 2021
It’s natural for Thomas to want concrete evidence of the Resurrection. When our individual faith wavers, we can gain strength from the Holy Spirit at work in the midst of a community of faith.
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It’s natural for Thomas to want concrete evidence of the Resurrection. When our individual faith wavers, we can gain strength from the Holy Spirit at work in the midst of a community of faith.
Our faith rests on the reality of Jesus’ Resurrection. We base everything on the truth of the story. But we must call upon the Holy Spirit who is present to the Church to assist us with that faith.
Let us resolve to enter the story of the Lord’s passion, death and resurrection with him today. How will we meet the test?
Jesus invites his followers to imitate his act of self-giving in the beautiful image of the grain of wheat which dies to allow new life to grow.
In Lent we examine our lives in order to restore our part of the baptismal covenant–our relationship with God in Christ.
The Ten Commandments–what one Scripture scholar calls the “Bill of God’s Rights in the covenant”–spell out the responsibilities of God’s people–their part of the covenant agreement.
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