‘Judge Not, and You Will Not Be Judged’
Reflect Why is Jesus so adamant about us not judging? And why does he connect it to being judged ourselves? Is he simply reminding us
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Reflect Why is Jesus so adamant about us not judging? And why does he connect it to being judged ourselves? Is he simply reminding us
Reflect Have you ever stopped to ask yourself: What miracle have I already experienced today? Where has God revealed his grace and love in my
Reflect Have you ever considered how reading is actually thinking with the mind of another? As we read, we let the author, whether it’s Tolstoy,
In Psalm 19, the Psalmist tells us that all of nature proclaims God’s glory; that even though not a sound may be heard, even the silence, even the darkness of night, declares God’s glory. Do you hear it in the quiet?
We live in a world that emphasizes independence, that encourages each of us to go our own way, to find our own path. And yet from the very beginning all of creation seems to tell us: It is not good to be alone.
Jesus exhorts us to love our enemies and even to bless those who curse us. See God in every person you meet this day. Offer them a kind word or a glad smile. Let them know that they have been seen.
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