St. Francis and the Animals
It’s hard to separate Francis of Assisi and animals. Stories abound of how this great saint could communicate with animals and felt at one with all creation.
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It’s hard to separate Francis of Assisi and animals. Stories abound of how this great saint could communicate with animals and felt at one with all creation.
To many Christians, St. Nicholas, precursor to Santa Claus, is no quaint figure from the past. Especially to Eastern Catholics and the Orthodox, he is one of the most popular saints, constantly interceding on behalf of his people, even today.
Christians believe that Jesus was both fully divine and fully human. For at least the third time since the birth of modern scientific thinking in the 1700’s, there is a renewed interest among some biblical scholars in what they call the “historical Jesus.”
So is it faith or works? When the Vatican and the Lutheran World Federation signed a historic joint declaration on justification last October, some media, notably The Wall Street Journal, declared Lutherans the victors.
“My peace is my gift to you, ” Jesus said to his followers. But this Easter the land where Jesus once walked, the land of today’s Israelis and Palestinians, is anything but peaceful. In this exclusive St. Anthony Messenger interview, we talk with Archbishop Elias Chacour, whose archeparchy (archdiocese) in northern Israel includes the land of Galilee, where he grew up. Archbishop Chacour was at the University of Dayton in Ohio last year to attend a graduation of family members and to receive an honorary degree for creating the first Arab university in Israel.
When Suzy Nauman first saw the TV image of a lone protester outside Boston’s Holy Cross Cathedral in February 2002, she was moved to compassion and action. The man, Steve Lynch, claimed he had been abused as an altar boy by a priest. With daily headlines of clergy abuse cover-up in Boston, he went public.
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