Daily Bread
Reflect We gather at holy and ordinary tables to connect, to be fed and nourished. What we taste, chew, and swallow feeds our bodies and
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Reflect We gather at holy and ordinary tables to connect, to be fed and nourished. What we taste, chew, and swallow feeds our bodies and
Reflect The human experience is littered with messiness. In our homes and around our neighborhoods we encounter conflict, clutter, commotion, disturbance, confusion. Disorder and chaos
Reflect Crumbling sidewalks, musical voices, aromas of fresh food, shimmering shadows, bright colors, and vibrant creatures: So much is beautiful! Beauty is another name for
Consider the ancient invitation within God’s word, found in Proverbs 3:5: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, on your own intelligence do not rely.”
Try getting information from a different news source than you typically use. As you take in the information, notice your reactions and assumptions.
Pour yourself a glass of water and meditate on the wonder of this element provided to you by your loving God before you drink it. Swallow the water slowly, feeling the flow of God’s gift enter your body and hydrate your cells.
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Cincinnati, OH 45202
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