Refocusing Our Attitude
Where we place our focus determines our attitude. When we start down a familiar mental rut (“Why do I get stuck with all the work around here?”), we can redirect that channel, finding something to appreciate.
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Where we place our focus determines our attitude. When we start down a familiar mental rut (“Why do I get stuck with all the work around here?”), we can redirect that channel, finding something to appreciate.
It’s a mistake to put St. Peter on a pedestal when we can learn more from the bumbling oaf he really was. Couldn’t he do better than tell Jesus to get lost? (“Depart from me for I am a sinful man.”)
When God sees the shining saints, God once again looks on creation and finds it very good. The saints aren’t dour, but fun to be around.
With reflection we can see links between past and present, the whole web of our lives shining with God’s presence. God knew exactly what we needed and provided it.
The whirlwind of activity in Catherine of Siena’s life flowed from a grounded spiritual center. She couldn’t have addressed and resolved so many conflicts had she not been clear within.
We can offset the tendency to get used to even the finest friend by deliberately affirming that person’s goodness in specific ways.
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