Prayer for Priests
Have you known a priest (or priests) along your journey who has helped transform your faith, trust, and hope?
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Have you known a priest (or priests) along your journey who has helped transform your faith, trust, and hope?
Sometimes we feel at a loss for how many things in our lives age and break, run out, wear down, need replacing.
“God is a circle whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.”
—St. Bonaventure
Many of us, in a truly admirable way, place our faith at the center, and are quite disciplined. But can we also invite lighthearted elements into our spiritual practices?
And the miracles, all of them, move forward, as miracles do, and this new one, a boy who believed, who chronicled miracles about holy bread.
Today, no matter the pressures, the tedious circumstances, let us open our hearts to adoring God.
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