A Lesson in Forgiveness
Josephine Bakhita said that if she met her torturers she would kiss their feet, for without them she would not have become a Christian or a woman religious.
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Josephine Bakhita said that if she met her torturers she would kiss their feet, for without them she would not have become a Christian or a woman religious.
The road to the wisdom Thomas Aquinas gained in his life began when he was a youngster and asked the same question so many children do: “What is God?”
St. Katharine Drexel came from a wealthy, philanthropic family in Philadelphia. She was willing to offer financial support to the cause of providing educations for children of color.
Maybe Francis had the better way to follow—to do as God desires, with course corrections along the way, rather than sitting and fretting over what God really means.
By her mid-30s, Sister Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997) had a track record as a leader, overseeing a community of Indian women religious affiliated with her community and serving as a school principal.
At age 58 in 1978, Pope John Paul II was still an avid skier, hiker, and swimmer. But over the next 27 years, age and health issues caught up with him—as they do with us all.
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