An Unlikely Missionary
Reflect She was working as a laundress so that she could become a missionary sister. A fall into a vat of boiling water derailed that
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Reflect She was working as a laundress so that she could become a missionary sister. A fall into a vat of boiling water derailed that
Reflect He came to the United States with little beyond the certainty that he was meant to be a priest–something he couldn’t do in his
Daniel Comboni’s first missionary trip to Africa ended in failure. He returned home to Italy and came up with the idea to directly involve African Christians in evangelizing their sisters and brothers. This inclusive effort bore much fruit.
Give a kind word or other support to someone who isn’t a relative or close friend, without first evaluating whether or not he or she is worth the effort.
After losing his family, St. Alphonsus Rodriguez could have become bitter and angry with God. Instead he became a Jesuit lay brother and served the community as a doorkeeper.
The Dominican Thomas Aquinas was one of the Catholic Church’s greatest theologians and philosophers. But the road to all that wisdom began when he was a youngster and asked the same question so many children do: “What is God?”
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