Change My Heart
Prayer can become a laundry list of intentions so the Lord can get you through your day-to-day problems. It won’t change the situation, but it will change you. How do you need to switch up your prayer life?
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Prayer can become a laundry list of intentions so the Lord can get you through your day-to-day problems. It won’t change the situation, but it will change you. How do you need to switch up your prayer life?
Take five to 10 minutes today to breathe in slowly through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. Breathe in God’s love and breathe out God’s life.
God asks us to return to him with our whole heart, whole mind, and whole soul. He asks us to return to him with fasting, mourning, and weeping. It is in the challenges that God is most present.
Walking through a doorway means you exit one place and enter into another. You have to be willing to leave the old place in order to enter a new one. You have to be willing to let go so God can work.
There are seasons in life when my prayer life seems to be nonexistent, where I focus more on what I should be praying versus actually praying.
It took falling off a horse and becoming temporarily blind for him to hear the voice of Christ. Then his sight and strength were renewed when the Lord realized that Saul’s heart was converted and made anew.
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