Sharing the Word for May 25, 2020 – Seventh Week of Easter – Year 2
Sometimes we put too much confidence in the strength of our faith. Yet Jesus strengthens our weakness, and keeps us in touch with the Father’s strength.
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Sometimes we put too much confidence in the strength of our faith. Yet Jesus strengthens our weakness, and keeps us in touch with the Father’s strength.
All the people over all the earth are invited to be joyful in the Lord because God is king over everything. He is enthroned over all the nations.
All reality will come to its final fulfillment in the rule of the Father through the risen Christ. Our role is to sing praise to God and proclaim His kingship.
Sometimes Jesus seems absent, yet He is never absent for long. Jesus invites us to look for His presence and action in our lives.
Through the Church we have access to the action of the Spirit, enabling us to understand more deeply who Jesus is and what Jesus is about.
Everything that was part of the rejection of Jesus will be reversed by the Advocate, who will see that righteousness triumphs.
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