Let Go of the Hurt
We need to be in right relationship with people, so that other people can love us at deeper levels, and so we can love them too.
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We need to be in right relationship with people, so that other people can love us at deeper levels, and so we can love them too.
Where do you instinctively make decisions—your head, heart, or gut? Which do you consider the most trustworthy?
Most of us were taught that God would love us if and when we changed. In fact, God loves you so that you can change.
We have to remember that how we do anything is how we do everything. How we do this moment is how we are going to do the next moment.
The genius of the biblical revelation is that it doesn’t just give us the conclusions; it gives us both the process of getting there and the inner and outer authority to trust that process.
It is sad that we have a willingness to give our whole lives to producing items of no social benefit.
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